As most applications currently are isolated it would be beneficial to the entire community if modular and reusable components could be created which could be used by app developers; more or less similar to a lego-like house of apps.
In this workshop, the key synergies between Citizen Science and Open Science as well as potential barriers were identified and solution for overcoming have been formulated.
Coorganized and hosted by the University of Innsbruck, the Citizen Science Network Austria want to talk about limits and transitions of citizen science.
At European level, the Green/White paper rolls out a strategy for a substantial increase of citizen science. In a first meeting, some kind of mapping exercise was foreseen.
Pınar GÜLTEKİN visited the V. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE) to present her research about Value of Urban Green Space for Public Health.
We are pleased to announce that the Call for Abstracts for the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE 11) is now open! Theme: Digital Earth in a Transformed Society
Date: June, 6th 2018 | Location: University of Geneva, COST Citizen Science Workshopday | Content: Further reflections on the issues/dimensions on Citizen Science Strategies
It explores the potential of ordinary people to directly utilize the power of mobile devices, which allows to collect the mobile sensory data and report the perceived quality of travel time.