Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are a growing threat to Europe’s biodiversity. A JRC-COST joint workshop focused on strategies for collecting and sharing data gathered by citizens, with the aim to support a European early warning and rapid information system.
The aim is to present high quality, original manuscripts related to user experience (UX) of technologies used in citizen science, such as, for example, mobile technologies, sensors, games, and data gathering applications for illiterate users in remote areas, among the others. Abstract submission opens on November 1st, 2017.
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is organizing a special issue called ‘VGI: Looking Towards the Next 10 Years’ in the Journal of Geographical Systems and would welcome papers on any VGI-relevant topic as follows.
As part of his STSM at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology under the supervision of Dr. AssafShwartz and Dr. Liat Levontin, Martin Jeanmougin developed a database on published studies of the motivations of citizens to participate in citizen science projects.