6. Open Call for Short Term Scientific Mission within the Citizen Science COST Action. Deadline General Call: 15. August. The Axis Develop Synergies with Education is reopen till 05.09.2018.
4. Citizen Science Cost Action MC Meeting at the Citizen Science Workshop Day at University of Geneva 06.06.2018 | Click this article for downloading the Minutes of the Meeting.
Date: June, 6th 2018 | Location: University of Geneva, COST Citizen Science Workshopday | Content: Analysis of citizen science in social sciences and humanities.
WG 5 published, in close cooperation with CSA, ACSA and ECSA, a report including the Geneva Declaration on Citizen Science Data and Metadata Standards.
Help the CS community to become more efficient in app development: participate in the Hackathon and win the travel and accommodation expenses for the OGRS Symposium in Lugano (9-11.10 2018).