ITC Conference Grant: Scientific Report by Pınar GÜLTEKİN

ITC Conference Grant: Scientific Report by Pınar GÜLTEKİN

Grantee Name: Pınar GÜLTEKİN
Conference title:  V. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE)
Conference start and end date: 24/07/2018 to 26/07/2018
Conference attendance start and end date: 24/07/2018 to 26/07/2018

Pınar GÜLTEKİN presentation was at the first day of the congress in landscape architecture session. The title of her study is “Value of Urban Green Space for Public Health: Example of Duzce City”. The role of citizens as partners in this project is to gain awareness about the importance of urban green spaces. For the protection of the physical and mental health of citizens and the amount and quality of urban green space are required to be increased. People who are affected by the lack of urban green spaces should learn that this situation can be changed.

IMCOFE 2018 abstract book will be published at December 2018. Her study’s full text is accepted for “Journal of Scientific Perspectives”. It will be published at January 2019.  She is planning to study about cultural identity of Duzce City.  She is also planning to prepare a project about re-activation historical landscapes for İstanbul city of Turkey.

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