ITC Conference Grant: Scientific Report by Imre Lendák
Imre Lendak visited the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2019) conference which was organized in the March 11-15, 2019 week.
Full catalogue of COST Action 151212 reports, some of which can be downloaded.
Imre Lendak visited the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2019) conference which was organized in the March 11-15, 2019 week.
The participants to the workshop set the basis for the collective writing of a paper on the link between citizen science and local governance through a review of experiences and projects at the local and international level.
The participants in the training school learned about different local experiences of collective research and participation for environmental monitoring and advocacy (such as improving soil and air quality, increasing greenery and biodiversity). The participants also discussed and debated around the link between participatory research and civic movements.
This workshop took place not in academic space, but in the heart of several NGOs dealing with global education, fair trade, sustainable forestry and other social and environmental issues, and the main technical support was provided NGO called Na Zemi (On the Earth).
We are pleased to finally share our report “Training needs and recommendations for Citizen Science participants, facilitators and designers” with the community.
This report is about creating an ontology (including a vocabulary) for describing citizen-science projects and datasets, building upon prior research and existing standards.
Workshop aims: The aim of the workshop was to contribute to the co-creation of the EU-Citizen.Science online platform, which will serve as a mutual learning space where citizen science practitioners and participants can exchange experiences and successful strategies. Participants (see Annex I) were invited to share their expectations for the platform, and to contribute their expertise by identifying potential features and functionalities.
The workshop also aimed to identify potential collaborations between the ongoing COST Action CA15212 and the EU-Citizen.Science platform, as well as exploring collaborations with current citizen science projects, networks and initiatives.
A training school co-funded by JRC ( and COST Action 15212 Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe
The ultimate goal of the workshop was to identify benefits, challenges and recommendations from a large number of different stakeholders (from the scientific, policy and citizens perspectives) - with a view to improve developments, promoting and accelerating the use of Citizens Science for (environment-related) policy making throughout Europe.
This document reports the structure and the main outputs of the training course “Where science meets society: citizen science as an emerging tool to expand research horizons” held in Erice (Italy) from the 26th November to the 1st December 2018.