Workshop Report WG 6: City + Citizen Science
Citizen Science practices have been boosted in urban contexts around the world. Participatory effort includes shared tasks such as the identification of concerns, the definition and design of the research, the collection of data, its interpretation and the proposal of actions that respond to the concerns with evidences. Can citizen science contribute to city policies or propose new policies? In which way? And with which actors, specifically? And lastly but not least, can some civic movements be accompanied by citizen science projects to give arguments and propitiate a response through knowledge built in a participatory manner? The workshop, organised within the frame of the Barcelona Science Biennale combined with a number of parallel citizen science activities, was aimed at exploring the links between citizen science and local governance through local and international perspectives and experiences.
The participants to the workshop set the basis for the collective writing of a paper on the link between citizen science and local governance through a review of experiences and projects at the local and international level.
General Information
Date: February 7-8, 2019
Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats,
Carrer Sant Adrià, 20.
08030 Barcelona (Spain)
Workshop Language: English
Organization Committee:
- OpenSystems, Universitat de Barcelona
- Barcelona Citizen Science Office
- Barcelona Science Biennalec
Contact: josep [dot] perello [at] ub [dot] edu
The participants were:
- Abhay Singh
- Aitana Oltra
- Amaya Pou
- Ana Isabel de Paz
- Anne-Sophie Gresle
- Antony O'Farrell
- Ashwin Varma Dandu
- Aurora Caballero Lozano
- Barbora Duží
- Camila Gonzalez
- Caterina Solé
- Cristina Caballero Castells
- Dacha Atienza
- Daniel Figueras
- Diana Escobar
- Diego Pajarito
- Elisabetta Broglio
- Eva Novakova
- Eva Mateo
- Fernando Benitez
- Gemma Fornons
- Iraima Verkaik
- Isabel Sierra Navarro
- Isabelle Bonhoure
- Joel Sánchez
- Jose Isidro Pastor Tormo
- Jose M. Barcelo-Ordinas
- Josep Perello
- Josep Ignasi Garcia Aparisi
- Julian Vicens
- Kasperi Kukko-oja
- Leonardo de la Torre Ávila
- Llobet Contijoch Jordi
- Manuel Portela
- Marta Samulowska
- Mohamad Rachid Jalloul
- Montse Llasat-Botija
- Nora Salas Seoane
- Nuria Castell
- Oleguer Sagarra
- Pau Fortuño
- Raul Toran
- Ricard Espelt
- Rosa Arias
- Salvador Ferré Benedicto
- Sandra Molinero
- Saulo Jacques
- Susana Lopez
- Yigitalp Behram
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