Workshop Report WG 5: Develop and test an ontology for citizen-science metadata

Workshop Report WG 5: Develop and test an ontology for citizen-science metadata


Milan, Italy | March 26-27, 2018


Luigi Ceccaroni (chair), Maria Antonia Brovelli, Rob Lemmens, Jaume Piera, Jakub Trojan, Frank Ostermann, Marco Minghini, Vyron Antoniou. Lucy Bastin (remotely), Sven Schade, Chrisa Tsinaraki, Maryam Lotfian, Gloria Bordogna, Santiago De La Riva


Politecnico di Milano, and EarthwatchMilan, Italy
Luigi Ceccaroni (chair of the WG) and Maria Antonia Brovelli (member of the WG and professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering).

Purpose of the Workshop

The purpose of this WG5 workshop is to progress in the definition of an ontology for citizen-science projects, based on interoperable standards and on the report recently released by the CSA Data and Metadata Working Group dealing with PPSR - Public Participation in
Scientific Research. In particular, in this meeting focus will be placed on modelling two out of the three PPSR elements: projects and datasets. Modelling the third element (data/observations) will be left as a future task. While the PPSR-Core report does only detail a number of properties and classes, the goal of the meeting is to extend this list to any other classes and properties considered as essential, and to establish the relations between them. The ontology should be then tested against a number of different use cases to test its reliability. This task will be carried out after the ontology has been finalized.

Download Report

Read here the Minutes of WG5 workshop in Milan, March 2018: “Towards a new ontology of Citizen Science”

Workshop Report can be found here.

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  • luigi [at] 1000001labs [dot] org (subject: %5BCS%20Cost%20Action%5D) (Luigi Ceccaroni)