
Workshop WG6: Author Meeting
Start: 12 December 2019, 13.00 – 17.00 / 18.30
Finish: 13 December 2019, 8.45 – 13.00 / 14.30
Days: 2
Location: Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstr. 43, Main entrance, Veranstaltungssaal
PDF Version for print: ![]() |
The COST Action is publishing a book on the Science of Citizen Science. Currently, authors work on their chapters.
The authors' meeting serves 1) quality control, and 2) an overal coherence of the book.
If you have time, competencies, and interest to support us in developing these outputs, you are welcome to apply.
- Each chapter will be read by 2 authors of different chapters + at least 1 editor
- 1 author from the same section
- 1 author from a different section
- All chapters are available for all authors before the meeting so that people can skim through/read more than 1 chapter.
- Reviewers prepare written feedback for the chapter they have thoroughly read -> according to a form? (similar to feedback forms for journal peer review)
- Ask everyone to read the abstracts of all the chapters so that we don’t lose time during the feedback session having to introduce the content of the chapter.
DAY 1 - Thursday, 12. December 2019 (13.00 - 17.30/ 18.30)
Time |
Agenda |
Details/ Sessions |
13.00-13.30 |
Registration, coffee/tea |
13.30-13.45 |
Welcome, general overview, instructions for the meeting |
13.45-14.30 |
Overview of all the chapters |
14.30-15.00 |
Coffee break and moving to different rooms |
15.00-17.30 |
Feedback session within sections (in different rooms) |
For each chapter:
Make sure to keep time! |
Session 1: (chapters)
Session 2: (chapters)
Session 3: (chapters)
17.30- 18.30 | Editorial meeting |
Only editors will be present. |
19.00 |
Dinner (self-paying) Peter Pane (Invalidenstr. 53; opposite main station) |
DAY 2 - Friday, 13. December 2019 (08.45 - 13.00/ 14.30)
Time |
Agenda |
Details |
9.00-11.00 |
Work sessions to resolve:
Detailed schedule will be provided on Thursday. |
11.00-12.00 |
Wrap up (plenary) |
things that editors have noticed that are important to explain/discuss with everyone |
12.00- 13.00 |
Lunch and goodbyes |
13.00- 14.30 |
Editor meeting |
Only editors will be present |
How to Apply
Applicants are requested to:
- Fill out the application form
- Prepare and upload a 250-word motivation letter, expressing their interest in the workshop.
- Prepare and upload a short CV - max 2 pages. In the same document containing the CV, if applicable, describe also their role/contribution in/to the COST Action 15212 (e.g., Working Group Member, contributor to a publication, etc.).
Please upload your CV and motivation letter in the application form!
The organizing committee will assess the eligible contributions following these criteria:
- Expertise relevant to this workshop (max. 5 score points).
- Interest of the submitted contribution to the WG and Action goals (max. 5 score points)
For further questions you can contact
- a [dot] m [dot] land [at] biology [dot] leidenuniv [dot] nl (subject: WG6%20Meeting%20planning%20for%20the%20final%20symposium%20and%20publication) (Anne Land)
- Katrin [dot] Vohland [at] mfn [dot] berlin (subject: WG6%20Meeting%20planning%20for%20the%20final%20symposium%20and%20publication) (Katrin Vohland)