Workshop Report WG4: Citizen Science Social Innovation as promoter of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

Type: Working Group Meeting
Location: Florence, Italy
National Research Council – Institute of Bioeconomy
Area della Ricerca di Firenze
Fondazione Osservatorio Ximeniano, Borgo S. Lorenzo, 26, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy.
Date: February 24, 2020
Duration: 1 day
- Luciano Massetti
- Loreta Tauginienė
... to raise awareness of citizen scientists and other stakeholders (e.g. COST Action participants) on how citizen science social innovation transcends into Responsible Research and Innovation.
To achieve this aim, some workshop participants introduced different perspectives how citizen science social innovation can be addresses through the lenses of Responsible Research and Innovation. Afterwards, all workshop participants designed the outline of the prospective research.
The workshop started at 10:00 with welcome and a short presentation of the venue Osservatorio Ximeniano that has been a scientific lab for more than 250 years by the hosting institution, the Institute of Bioeconomy of the National Research Council of Italy (IBE-CNR).
There were nine participants:
- Luciano Massetti and Francesca Ugolini from Italy,
- Johan Barstad from Norway,
- Eglė Butkevičienė, Raimonda Agnė Medeišienė, Loreta Tauginienė and Diana Marčiulynienė from Lithuania,
- Barbara Heinisch from Austria,
- Snezana Popov from Serbia.
Each participant self-introduced, i.e. background, activities and motivation for participation to the workshop.
Afterwards there were some introductory presentations. Francesca and Luciano briefly presented IBE actitivites in the research field and with a deep insight on those regarding the development and application of innovative teaching methodologies for science and environmental education at school and their potential link with Citizen Science and Responsbile Research and Innovation.Then Johan made a presentation about different models for approaching RRI through Social Sciences considering people at the center of the design as a prerequisite in Citizen Science. Finally, Raimonda presented how Drama Methods can offer possibilities for Citizen Science.
Before lunch, there was the first session of brainstorming on the type of output the participants expected would come out from this meeting. The discussion continued after lunch.
Some possibilities were discussed and finally we agreed in working on a researh paper on the meaningfulness to impement RRI for stakeholders that run Citizen Science projects.
The study will be conducted using semi-structured interviews with CS leaders.
The workshop ended after the definition of the steps for implementing the study, assigning roles and tentative deadlines.