Workshop Report WG3: Recommendations for the development of (national) Citizen Science Strategies

Excerpts from the Report:
Executive Summary
The Workshop was co-organised by the JRC and Katrin Vohland from the Museum für Naturkunde (MfN) in Berlin, Germany, and representatives of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna, as part of the COST Action 15212 “Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe” – under the its Working Group 3 “Improve society-science-policy interface”.
Following previous events of the same working group over the last couple of years, this workshop aimed to discuss and wrap up the outcomes from the past work, and organise the continuation and deepening of future work on Citizen Science (CS) in support to policy-making. The latter will include the comparison of different approaches with regard to strategies and platforms dedicated to Citizen Science throughout Europe.
The meeting was attended by 20 participants from 11 different countries, involving early career scientists and established researchers from natural and social sciences who provided valuable feedback and input to all the sessions of the event both, during plenary and work groups discussions.
Future activities and number of actions were discussed and agreed, including possible follow-on activities to take place after the end of the current COST Action in April 2020.