The Winner of the STSM 2016 Call is already annouced: Martin Jeanmougin will work on the first STSM.
Martin Jeanmougin has recently graduated of a PhD on ecology and biodiversity conservation, he worked dealing with species-habitats relationships based on databases of two French citizen science programs (birds and pollinators survey). Before this research experience, he helped to the development of the French national survey of dragonfly. Interested not only in data provided by citizen science programs but also on volunteers that providing these data, he will benefit from this STSM to work on aims and needs of these citizen scientists with respect to their engagement in citizen science programs.
The first step of this work is to set up a meta-analysis framework leading to a standardized review of volunteers’ motivations. Then, using this framework, he will gather all information and data contained in the literature about these motivations to create an essential database on which some outcomes of this COST action will be based.