Time to say goodbye ... and thank you!

On 03 September 2020 the (first and last virtual) final conference of the successful "The Citizen Science Cost Action CA15212 - A Framework in Science and Technology to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe" was held in Leiden.
After four years of successful work, the members of the COST Action Citizen Science met virtually to summarize what had been achieved and to discuss future perspectives and challenges.
The Citizen Science network, chaired by Dr. Katrin Vohland, fostered cooperation between researchers from 39 countries to increase awareness of the need for standards, strategies for Citizen Science as a "blueprint" and scientific reflection of scientific and societal outcomes and impacts. The Citizen Science Community Network provides a common ground for researchers from academia, research institutes, SMEs and multinational organisations.
We are very proud that a great handbook on "The Science of Citizen Science" has emerged from this community, which:
- offers added value for the society and also for participants
- sheds light on the different disciplines of Citizen Science and identifies the challenges
- also contains definitions, checklists and concrete support (apps, platforms, tools...)
- is available under Springer Science and
Future vision:
- Citizen science is acknowledged in the scientific system
- Societal benefits are honoured and appreciated
- Critical reflections about roles, power, and non-intended effects (e.g. neoliberalism, ) continue open
- Citizen science is supported not only financially but also with regard to legal security
- AND Citizen Science and the link to the SDGs receive further attention, and hopefully support in a new COST Action (e.g. fraisl [at] iiasa [dot] ac [dot] at (subject: New%20COST%20Action%20-%20CS%20and%20the%20SDGs, body: Dear%20Dilek%20Fraisl%2C%0A%0A....) (Citizen Science and the SDGs))