Strengthening of strategic collaboration on activities and outputs for policy engagement related to citizen science across Europe

Dr Aleksandra Berditchevskaia | Tekiu Ltd, London UK | 07.01. to 20.01.2018 | 13 Days
Host: Katrin Vohland, ECSA | Hostinstitution: Natural History Museum, Berlin
Strengthening of strategic collaboration on activities and outputs for policy engagement related to citizen science across Europe
Purpose of the STSM
The overarching aim of the STSM was to strengthen the collaboration between Tekiu and ECSA in order to improve mutual capacity to raise awareness and provide evidence of the policy relevance of Citizen Science on the European, national and regional levels particularly within the topics of Responsible Research and Innovation, Open Science and addressing societal challenges. This aim is allied to the objectives of third Working Group of the COST Action, which works to improve the science-society-policy interface.
Specific aims of the STSM included:
- To learn from each other’s methodologies and expertise, with a particular focus on consolidating findings through co-authorship.
- To elaborate the strategy and coordination for policy engagement between Tekiu and ECSA.
- To organise and coordinate the delivery of forthcoming events and outputs, and the dissemination of results.
Main results obtained
- Policy Engagement Strategy – DITOs Project
- Contribution to Citizen Science Report for the Swiss Science and Innovation Council (SSIC)
- Progress on planning policy engagement activities for Q1/Q2 2018
The whole report can be found here