Cost Action Networking Tool: Conference Grants

The COST Association offer a new tool which is also combined with additional funding for our Action CA15212. The tool is named “Conference Grants” and offers PhD students and early-career investigators from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries the option to attend international science and technology related conferences that are not specifically organised by a COST Action. The Citizen Science Cost Action will receive about additional 14-17.000 Euro for (not only – see below) this in this grant period.
In our Citizen Science COST Action we will be able to consider this instrument for the next planning phase, starting in May 2018.
Most important information summarized:
- The application has to be submitted 45 days before the event; there is an E-Cost tool for this
- The young researcher from ITC countries must present something (poster/talk) and that must be visible in the programme of the Conference
- The participation has to be approved by the MC Members (via Loomio always 7 days open we would suggest)
- The evaluation of the grant proposal has to follow clear criteria and will be judged by the Vice Chair or another committee (1. Are there volunteers for this committee to support the evaluation process? 2. The criteria should be similar to those for the workshops, i.e. the clear link to research on citizen science and our action must be shown)
- The money is only paid after we received the report (in fact, we also want to publish the reports on the webpage)
Additional Rules:
- Clear link to CS (Citizen Science): either research on cs or using cs as the research method (including an explanation of how citizens/participants were involved in the research process).
- Specific link to one or more of the working groups within the Action.
- No more than one ITC grants per individual over the course of one Grant Period.
Decision is made by Committee of Chair. Vice-chair and Josep Perrelo as WG 6 chair.
- There are some important information to consider in the User Guide and in the new version of the COST Vademecum
- You can also have a look at our Resources / Information Area
- Informations about the ITC Conference grants with his rules