Executive Summary
On the occasion of the Management Committee (MC) and Working Group Meeting of the COST Action 15212 Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe, an overview of the outcomes, to reflect usability, to enhance update by the community and to discuss and initiate further steps was prepared.
As the COST Action is coming to an end, the results of the work were presented by the leaders of the working groups. The claim to pass on the outputs and findings is secured by two future steps: Firstly, there will be a subsequent COST Action and secondly, the results can be made available to the public in summary form on the new transnational platform EU-Citizen.Science.
Due to the pandemic, the final conference was organised online for a few hours instead of several days with the technical support of Leiden University and the online service zoom.

Full Event Report
CA15212_Management Committee meeting 2020 Report.pdf
or under: 10.7479/sq4j-w945