
This call goes to all people who have relevant knowledge about research articles and reports. On behalf of the COST Action Working Group 4 (Enhance the role of CS for civil society), we would like to invite you to help us build a “Map of Public Participation, Outputs and Outcomes” in Citizen Science.
We aim to collect data from the literature (both academic and grey literature) on projects involving Public Participation in Scientific Research (PPSR). Relatedly, we would like to map and synthesize documents about citizen science projects in the COST Member States. Our goal is to summarize and disseminate findings from these articles.
We are looking for documents describing citizen science projects at any scale (city, region, country, or international), projects where citizens are involved in scientific research to conduct some activity together with scientists. The area(s) in which these projects can take place are wide: from natural conservation to healthcare, to the humanities, and more.
We would like to pull together an ensemble of examples from across the COST Member States to examine the different degrees and quality of participation of citizens. As well, the relationships between public participation, outputs and outcomes. We aim to produce a report on the findings from this survey for our COST Action. We are asking for your help in identifying suitable articles (or establishing contacts providing useful information about those).
We would be grateful if you could access the full description of the call, and identify and contribute some references about appropriate articles. Then, please consider contributing by filling in the online survey form:
We kindly invite you to fill in the survey at your earliest convenience by April 16, 2018. Thank you in advance for your collaboration and we look forward to receiving your valuable input to this project.