
Photo by Stefan Stefancik (unsplash)
Dear Colleagues,
The Chapter on Citizen Science and Social Innovations will be included into the COST Action final book “Citizen Science and Society”. The requirements for this chapters are as follows:
- (1) Each chapter should have minimum three authors and max seven authors;
- (2) Co-editors of the book need only one chapter per topic. Therefore, one chapter about CS and Social Innovation.
Having said that, we cannot accommodate all your interests in one chapter, thus we announce an open a call for co-authors of this Chapter asking everyone
- who is interested to contribute to the Chapter Citizen Science and Social Innovations to submit
- an extended abstract (of 500 words) by 19th August, 2019. One abstract should be one-author contributions.
The abstract should contain:
- Short description of CS project / activity (you can only use one activity or project in your case study);
- Explanation of how this particular CS project / activity is related to social innovation;
- Description of case study’s social innovation impact (what kind of social changes? / to whom? / etc.)
- Lessons learnt
- Please add CS project / activity-related illustrations if relevant (preferably illustrations for which you hold the copyright).
From the proposals, 3 cases will be selected to be developed as a contribution to the chapter and an author of a pre-selected contribution will be notified by 30th August.
- egle [dot] butkeviciene [at] ktu [dot] lt (subject: A%20call%20for%20chapter%20development, body: Dear%20Egle%2C%0A%0A...) (Dr. Egle Butkeviciene)