Workshop WG 6: Identifing and Describing major Challeges for citizen science in the next decade

Workshop WG 6: Identifing and Describing Major Challeges for  Citizen Science in the next decade

Call for Participation

We intend to write a paper outlining the scientific questions related to the different areas overlapping with citizen science such as open science, education, policy or participation. The paper should envision and anticipate the major challenges for the next 5-10 years in relation to the citizen science practice. Main interest is to put in a fully comprehensive paper these major challenges and how these challenges must be addressed.

Therefore the manuscript will be mainly a strategic paper developing a research strategy in order to enhance social benefit for citizen science.

To make this possible we would like to invite few to formalize the paper taking into consideration all aspects that the COST Action is considering. We don’t expect a review but a visionary position paper about what efforts shall be stressed for a fruitful and powerful citizen science practices, and how this citizen science practices need to be deployed in a the future.

We expect submissions by any COST Action CA 15212 participant or any researcher engaged in citizen science to constitute a team that can complement each other to cover the broadest area and include the larger number of perspectives.  Submitting participants must explain in which way they will be able to contribute. Selection will take place according to the contribution and to inclusiveness criteria.

We expect to produce a short paper (not a long one) able to identify and briefly describe major challenges for citizen science in the next decade.

Fact Sheet:

Deadline for application:
15.5.2017 | We can confirm participation on May 22nd latest.

For questions, please contact josep [dot] perello [at] ub [dot] edu (Josep Perelló) as chair of WG 6 or Katrin [dot] Vohland [at] mfn-berlin [dot] de (Katrin Vohland) as Action Chair.

Workshop Report

The Group is working on the paper right now. Finde updated informations here.

Thursday, June 15, 2017 - 09:00 to 16:00
Avenue Louise 149
1050 Brussels