Workshop WG 2 & ECSA WG Education: Progress and prospects of exploring synergies between CS and education
Joined Workshop
Maximum number of participants: 25
Please notice, there is the possibility to have 2-3 workshop participations financed by the Cost Action.
For self-funded Participants
Self-financing workshop participants simply register using the form on this website (klick "Please fill out the form to register"). Mark the field "Do you need financial support?" with no.
For Particpants who need financial Support
if interested: register using the form on this website (klick "Please fill out the form to register"). Mark the field "Do you need financial support?" with yes. Prepare a one page (maximum) motivation letter for upload. It shall include the following:
A short description of yourself (see additional priority criteria to address) and your motivation to participate.
As only a limited number of participants will be subject to COST full funding, two sets of criteria for participants’ selection are presented below.
General criteria for selection:
Additional priority criteria:
Geographical spread | Career stage (particularly involving early career investigators) | Gender balance
Laure Kloetzer | laure [dot] kloetzer [at] unine [dot] ch
Sylvia Winter | silvia [dot] winter [at] boku [dot] ac [dot] at